Dr. Jonathan A. Ng - Prosthodontist

Dr. Jonathan A. Ng, BMedSc, DDS, MSc, Dip. Pros., FRCD(C) is a Certified Specialist in Prosthodontics. He earned his specialist training at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and his Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Doctor of Dental Surgery degrees at the University of Alberta.

Following completion of a general practice residency, he continued at the University of Alberta Hospital as a staff dentist treating medically compromised patients in a clinical and operating room setting. He also managed a rural practice in Elk Point, Alberta. Dr. Ng is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor at the UBC Department of Dentistry and is also on staff as a clinical Prosthodontist at the BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver delivering multifaceted prosthodontic care and oral and facial rehabilitation to medically complex patients.

Dr. Ng’s private practice is on West Broadway in Vancouver, Canada. He focuses his private practice on esthetic and functional reconstruction ranging from the single tooth situation to complex prosthodontics. His practice includes the surgical placement and restoration of dental implants. He has a passion for the area of digital dentistry such as digital impressions and the digital workflow and has been invited to speak both nationally and internationally on these topics. He has published articles on the subject area.

Dr. Ng has been involved in international aid missions with a strong desire to help those in underdeveloped countries. When not practicing dentistry, he enjoys photography, playing the guitar and snowboarding.





PROFESSIONAL Memberships  

- Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada

- Canadian Dental Society

- BC Dental Association

- Association of Prosthodontist of Canada

- Vancouver & District Dental Society